Friday, November 26, 2021

✨Post 7: Changes to my study programme ✨

 Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk to you about the vision I have of my study programme. When I think on it, maybe the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of generality. Depending on how you look at this characteristic, it can be either good or bad, because in this context you could understand it as “something integral”, or maybe like “something without a purpose”. I’m in favour of the first idea. But well, each one of us is free to think what they want.

Independent of the previous idea, I should mention that the curriculum has changed. It’s supposed that my generation is the last with the old one. At least to me, I had a good experience, maybe not the best I could, knowing the actual situation. I joined this career only because of Botany, so it’s sad that we lost all the practical experiences. Before started the career, its length sounded pretty good, but now that we have lost two years of important experiences, it would be good if we could recover them in some manner. Therefore, If I could change something about the study program, it would be to include more practices since first year.

Talking about teaching methods, I must admit that I’m bored of the PPT's. I can feel how all my energy goes out of my body with the advance of every slide. So, I would like to have most dynamic experiences such as hybrid on-line classes. Despite all, I’m excited to know that all my effort forges my path, and I want to believe that all this situation will end someday.


  1. Hi! The same thing happens to me, I get so exhausted watching a screen where the teacher just slides his presentation that makes me get distracted very easily or fall asleep sitting down hahaha.

  2. Ufff I am also exhausted of the PPT. I never thought that I would miss so much having the whiteboard.

  3. I'm also bored about the PPT's. I got u

  4. I used to like the fact that our career is so general, but right now I'm choosing what I would like to specialize in, so I'm not that happy with generality :(

  5. I can understand you. I feel the same way while attending on line classes. It´s so boring, tiring and really hard to focus :(

  6. I agree with you Javi; I've always felt that our career is so general and that makes me feel that I don't know anything in depth :(


✨ Post 8: English Language Challenges ✨

 Hi everyone! This is the last time you will read my greetings. Sometimes I felt like this semester wasn’t going to end never, but now we ...