Wednesday, September 22, 2021

✨Post 2: My best holidays✨

 Hi everyone!

Today I’ll talk to you about the best holidays of my life. First of all, you have to know that I’m not a person who travels very often. For this reason, the field trip of my last year of school is so meaningful for me. It was in December 2019. We went to several towns and villages in the south of Chile: Panguipulli, Licanray, Niebla, Pucón, and Valdivia. Also, we visited Calafquén Lake and Pirihueico Lake. Without a doubt, landscapes were stunning there. I took like two or three thousand photos during this one-week trip.

My favourite activity was visiting Huilo Huilo Reserve. I loved walking through the peaceful forests while listening different kind of birds, and the weak sound of water getting louder, until I was in front of majestic waterfalls. Nevertheless, the best part of the trip was the beautiful memories I made with my friends daily, from breakfast in the mornings, to the night secret parties in our cabin, singing, playing, and talking about our life and future. Sometimes I miss so much those days.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

✨Post 1: A country I'd like to visit✨

Hi everyone!

Today I will talk to you about a country I’d like to visit: Germany! I think this European country is an interesting place. When I was 13 years old, I used to like to learn a lot about the medieval period, and nowadays I enjoy watching documentaries about those times. Germany has an interesting history, with dark and bright moments, also it has this beautiful magic atmosphere of fairy tales, with large forests like the “Black Forest”. What do you think I’d like to visit? Of course, Castles! There are a lot, and I can’t go there without touring the oldest villas.

I don’t know if I’d like to live there, mainly because I’m so attached to my family, but I’ve thought a lot about study there for a few months or maybe years, and actually, I had a whole plan to learn the basic things to survive, including the language, but first, I must improve my English abilities.

✨ Post 8: English Language Challenges ✨

 Hi everyone! This is the last time you will read my greetings. Sometimes I felt like this semester wasn’t going to end never, but now we ...